Reservation: We want to book booth ( s) or square meter ( s) for Space-unit. 本公司预定平方米特装展位。
De s ign of contour feature point locating meter 等高线特征点确定仪的设计
Design of the Automobile ′ s Digital Speed Meter 数字式汽车里程表的设计
The newly introduced LaCoste& Romberg Air-Sea Gravity System ⅱ is a new product which can be used to automatically control and update the S gravity meter. The operation mode is quite different from the original S gravity meter. 最新引进LaCoste&Romberg公司的SⅡ型海洋重力仪,是对S型海洋重力仪进行全自动化控制升级的新型产品,其操作使用模式已在很多方面不同于原有的S型海洋重力仪。
Spherical Solid State Sensor Current Meter S4球形固态传感器海流计
Eight indica rice varieties were crossed according to Griffing ′ s diallel method ⅳ and 28 F 1s were obtained to analyze the relationship between genetic distance based on RAPD marker and taste meter and starch RVA ( Rapid Visco Analyzer) properties. 选用8个籼稻品种按Griffing双列杂交方法Ⅳ配制28个F1杂交组合,分析了RAPD分子标记籼稻遗传距离与稻米味度及淀粉粘滞性谱(RVA谱)杂种优势的关系。
Measurement on sulphur content in iron ore by cs 344 infrared c s meter 用CS&344红外碳硫仪测定铁矿石中硫含量
The development of a new type X-ray digital mAs/ s meter 新型X线数字毫安秒/秒表的研制
In this thesis, for the super capacitor s features, a new type of power of the intelligent water meter was designed based on the original meter design. 本文根据其特点,在原有的智能水表基础上设计了一种基于自备电源的新型智能水表。